Source: Voice of America,
Our Organic Certifications
The USDA National Organic Program regulates all organic agricultural products certified to the USDA organic standards. Organic certification verifies that farms or handling facilities comply with the organic regulations and allows producers to sell, label, and represent their products as organic.
Policy Memorandum - NOP-PM15-4 Electrolyzed Water. This memorandum updates the status of electrolyzed water under the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) organic regulations at 7 CFR Part 205. The memorandum clarifies that electrolyzed water is a type of chlorine material that is allowed in organic production and handling.
Chlorine materials are included on the National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances (National List). In water, chlorine materials such as calcium and sodium hypochlorite form an equilibrium of related chlorine species, including hypochlorous acid (HOCl) and hypochlorite (ClO-). Similar chlorine species are formed in the generation of electrolyzed water. Accordingly, the NOP considers hypochlorous acid generated by electrolyzed water to be an allowable type of chlorine material.
The USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) is the federal executive department responsible for developing and executing federal laws related to farming, forestry, rural economic development, and food.

USDA Organic Certification
NSF, National Sanitation Foundation, is a non-profit organization founded in 1944, whose goal was to create standards for food safety and sanitation to promote public health. When you purchase NSF certified foodservice products, it means: The manufacturer of foodservice products uses only FDA approved raw materials.
It verifies the organic integrity of the product at any stage of the global supply chain. The well-recognized NSF/ANSI 305 certification mark gives consumers the confidence that the products contain at least 70% certified-organic ingredients and that these ingredients are derived from a botanical source. Based on NOP regulations, the NSF/ANSI 305 standard allows for approved processes and ingredients necessary for a product's effectiveness.
NSF Organic Ingredient Certification
The Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) is an international nonprofit organization that determines which input products are allowed for use in organic production and processing. OMRI Listed® products are allowed for use in certified organic operations under the USDA National Organic Program. The OMRI Canada program also lists products for use under the Canadian Organic Standards, and the OMRI Mexico program lists products for use under the Mexican Organic Products Law.
The OMRI Listed® seal assures the suitability of products for certified organic production, handling, and processing under the following conditions: For certified organic farmers, the product must be included in the operator's approved organic system (farm) plan.
OMRI lists input products such as fertilizers, pest controls, and livestock care products that are compliant with organic standards. Allowed products are "OMRI Listed®" and may display the OMRI seal. These "input" products are then used to produce organic food and fiber products such as carrots, granola bars, and cotton that are certified by an accredited certifying body. OMRI verifies input products intended for use in organic production. By focusing exclusively on inputs, OMRI provides essential expertise to support the organic certification process. On average 10-15% of the applications that OMRI receives do not make it through the process, either because the application is withdrawn by the applicant, or the product is determined to be prohibited.
OMRI works with all certifiers to ensure that materials used in organic food production meet the organic standards, in accordance with consistent criteria and review methods.
OMRI Listed for Organic Use Certification

The Canada Organic Trade Association (COTA) is a membership-based association for organic agriculture and products in Canada. The association promotes and protects the organic sector and encourage the universal adoption of organic. Through leadership and collaboration, the association provides a strong voice for organic. It leads the effort to provide estimates on the number of certified and transitional organic operators and acreage for the organic sector.