
The CFIA requires Health Canada's Letter of No Objection (LONO) for processing aids intended to be used as antimicrobial agents (e.g. Carcass washes) prior to their use in federally registered meat establishments. Effective July 2nd 2014, the repeal of Section 35 and the amendments to paragraph 92(2)(b) of the Meat Inspection Regulations resulted in elimination of pre-market mandatory evaluation and registration of non-food chemicals on the Reference Listing.​
Electrolyzed Water is recognized in both Canada and the US as approved for Organic use in CAN/CGSB-32.311-2015 of the Permitted Substance List Table 7.3 & NOP Policy Memo 15-4 on U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) organic regulations at 7 CFR Part 205.
"In water, chlorine materials such as calcium and sodium hypochlorite form an equilibrium of related chlorine species, including hypochlorous acid (HOCl) and hypochlorite (ClO- ). Similar chlorine species are formed in the generation of electrolyzed water. Accordingly, the NOP considers hypochlorous acid generated by electrolyzed water to be an allowable type of chlorine material.
-The National Organic Program (NOP) Handbook (NOP 5026) The Use of Chlorine Materials in Organic Production and Handling"​